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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Layan tag dari K.Sarnia

macam biasalah tag dari kakak kesayangan aku ni.. K.Sarnia.. dia jer yang rajin bebeno mengetag aku.. n yang jadi mangsa korang yg kena taglah.. hahahaha

1) 3 name in your inbox cellphone
i. my sis Cay
ii. maxis
iii. msg sesat dr ah long mane ntah...
2)Your main ringtone?
Matahariku by Agnes monica
3)What u did at 12 last night?
Baru habis layan movie Shoalin Soccer
4)Who was the last person you went out with?
Where?Supermanlah... everywhere.. everytime...
5) The color of the t-shirt you're wearing? Now?
Blue Black
6) The last thing u did?
layan tia dengar vcd nursery ryhmes yg auntie ecah belikan masa PBKL
7) 3 of your everyday favorite items
i. handphone
ii. PC
iii. mug & Plate.. (mestilah fav sbb suke mkn... )
8) The color of your bedroom?
9) How much money in your wallet now?
Duit I sume simpan dlm tabung.. duit sume simpan dlm wallet che nafis hehehehe
10) How's life?Alhamdulilah.. So far so good
11) Your favorite song?Banyak sangat.. tp skrg nih lagu Matahariku lah...
12) What will you do next weekend?
tak plan lagi..
13) When was the last time you saw your mom?
Pagi tadi... (Qim jgn nangis tau.. soklan sensitip nih...)
14) Where is she now?
Kat rumah -Felda Inas
15) When was the last time you talked to your parents?
Pagi tadi b4 kuar g kedai....
16) Who is the last person that texted you?
My Sis 'Kay'
17) Where did you have dinner last night?
kat rumah
18) The last surprise you got?
Last month - hp baru sempena anniversary...
19) Last thing you borrowed from your friend?
Xde kot...
20) Who is your BF/GF or Husband/wife?Superman.. a.k.a che nafis
21) What do you feel now?xde rasa ape2...
22) Wanna share with who?walaupun xde apa2.. tp nak gak share ngan community window.. RinDu korang
23) Who knows your secret?My Sis 'Kay'
24) They keep your secret?Of course
25) Are you angry with someone?Tak
27) The last time you felt so sad?last 2 weeks.. blur giler..
28) Mahu tag?- seperti biasa; orang yang ku rindu muahhhs
i. Qim
ii. Teja
iii. Maity
iv. Awa
v. sherin (jawab kat facebook aku xkira...)


Marriatyi Morsin said...

aku dah tau dah mesti aku kena tag...xpe nnt klu aku xde idea nk updet ape dlm blog aku, br aku jwb ok x?

Rehan rindu ko jugak...

Qimy said...

i like no 9! hik3..

i no like no 13! tunggu sampai aku balik msia la baru jawab kui3..:p

sherin said...

no.19..tu salah. ko kn pnjm chenafis..bile nk pulang?..hikhik..

p/s xde blog pon nk tag..ape la han nih..ape2 pon aku rindu gak kat ko!

sitinurulhawa said...

aku jawab kat Fb la han ek.. aci tak?

dhan said...

xaci awa.. sherin je bleh jwb kat fb.. sape yg ada blog mesti jwb kat blog...

Teja said...

Han, aku rasa tag yg lepas pun aku utang hu hu...dah msk tag baru plak.....pastu panjang yg wat tag ni musti dah x de koje agaknya....:p

Han............lamanya x borak...rindu nak bertingkap lg ngan ko..